Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Table Mountain

It was when we heard the thunder clap echo through Platteklip gorge that we knew we were in trouble.

Until then, the hike up Table Mountain was challenging but stunning.
By challenging, I mean excruciatingly steep (we were under the impression it would be a leisurely jaunt) and by stunning, I mean the panoramics of Cape Town from our position perched high above were absolutely enchanting.

Soon after the menacing thunder, however, we stepped into a curtain of mist.

That's my "uh-oh" face

Naturally, when we arrived at the summit, we saw none of the miraculous views that the top of Table Mountain promises.  Or Baboons.  I’m sure they scattered far before the pea-sized sensory portion of the human brain registered the impending storm.  On a positive note, we didn’t have to worry about them stealing our cameras.
  (I’ve heard they’re kleptomaniacs.)  
Anyway, good thing we took photographs en route.

On our return, we chose to hike down rather than take the cable car.  That was a poor life decision. 
(Thank you, Patrick.)
The mist became rain, the temperature dropped, and the gorge became a wind tunnel.  
This was the way down:

It was a painfully slow dance. Gingerly negotiating the  slick, steep rock  meant the journey down was longer than the climb up.
Although much better prepared than the Europeans we passed heading up the mountain in spaghetti strap tanks and Converse, we were still ill prepared.  
Thank goodness for my hat--it saved me! My pack, such a burden on the scorching ascent, actually kept my core dry on the way down. 
(The prognosis of my iPhone however, is unclear. It's currently spending the night in a bowl of rice.) 
But what is life without some adventure!
In a stroke of irony, as we reached the bottom, the weather broke.  

When I turned around to peer at the mountain top still wrapped in clouds, I was greeted by this--the sweetest cherry atop the entire experience.  

Before the bipolar weather, Adriana and I went for a run about the reservoir that instantly slowed to a stroll because we were captivated by the wee hours of the Cape Town morning:

We're staying among those little houses somewhere

Dear Mother Nature,

I have always adored you, but have a deeper respect for your authority after the show you put on today.
We'll meet again on Kilimanjaro!

Love from Cape Town.


  1. How can I even capture in words the goose pumps this post has throttled over my skin? HA! I CAN'T. Spectacular photos Lexi, and thank goodness for the wonderfully protective hat from Sandi! As the saying goes...you can't mess with Mother Nature, she is her own woman. (Well, I can't quote that author). I am going to have a heart to heart with her though about your trek with Doug on Kilimanjaro.

  2. Wow! Great pics and story Lex. Good eye on the misty wind tunnel, sparkling Cape Town almost looks like Atlantis; the double rainbow and I really liked the mountains between the two trees! That looks like a post card, or maybe the backdrop for a Camels ad.
